Specialized Master’s in Business Degree Leads to New Opportunities
Aaron Larson, pictured with son, Leo, prepares for a bright future with his specialized master's.
News, articles, and interesting stuff from the College of Business
Aaron Larson, pictured with son, Leo, prepares for a bright future with his specialized master's.
Leading medical supply chain expert discusses "Global Supply Chain Challenges: Is a New Economic Iron Curtain Next?"
Enjoli Rodriguez’s focus on the plus-sized market for a swimwear line is a smart business tactic as well as a demonstration of her commitment to inclusivity.
College of Business senior Jack Wegrich volunteers time and knowledge for humanitarian aid mission to Ukraine.
The Thompson Family and TEC Equipment scholarship made the financial part of four years of college easy. Nick Hoddevik doubled down and earned two degrees - in finance and business information systems.
There are as many as four million Ukrainian refugees according to a United Nations late March report. Jack Wegrich, a senior in management, has found a way to help and offers bold, multifaceted advice for those who want to help, too.
Reid Burford discovered a simple truth – freshly roasted coffee is better coffee. And he founded a business.
Many mainstream stories of entrepreneurial success feature people who have benefited from seeing role models who look and sound like themselves thriving as business owners. When I had a chance to build a team and launch a new entrepreneurship center at Oregon State University about five years ago, I set about charting a different course, using the framework of inclusive design.
In the end the story of Jack Drexler is not about the superhero, but the cape. It is one that many agree the humble man would not want written as he never sought such attention in his life. The list of accomplishments is long, but the friends who stood beside him are what mattered most.